Deciphering The City

My name is Helen Blejerman; I was born in Mexico City and have lived in Sheffield for four years. At this point of my stay I still feel that I haven’t found or grabbed in my hands the tangible essence of the ever changing city of Sheffield. I wonder if a metropolis is at all something one could decipher. If it is, how to discover its real substance, the centre of its real essence? I wonder if the truth of a city is based on its history or does it lie in its own present. Perhaps it becomes projected onto what others perceive or it is reflected in what it inspires in others.

Home Town Tourist

It had been a while. You’d spent time travelling the world as I’d occupied myself with mundanity. Since your return, it would be a lie to say we hadn’t made the effort to meet up on one or two occasions, but we’d conceded to the need for a proper catch up, a weekend of quality time together was in order.

My Creative Journey

My name is Maureen Atkin and I am a widowed Mother of five wonderful sons and will celebrate my 73rd birthday on New Years Eve. For over six and a quarter years I have been happily living in the Kirkhill Residential Care Home on Lowedges Road in Sheffield. I’m regarded as a prime example of how someone who has suffered so many severe bouts of the deepest depression, can, with encouragement, praise, and support, become, through sustained effort and sheer determination, a person who has had pride fully restored and become strong enough to succeed and has found happiness in a positive new beginning. This is my creative journey…

Our Story

Graham Marshall uses this weeks ‘Mind Labs’ to tell us a heartbreaking true story about his life. One that until now; only a handful of people ever knew about. But today, on the airwaves of Sheffield Live! we can finally hear the remarkable tale of friendship, hope, courage, pencilcases, and soup.  Oh, so much soup…

Wireless Times

Wireless Times is the on-stage riotous retro radio recreation that has the audience rolling in the aisles, coming from a time when a DJ was a dinner jacket and a big Mac was a large overcoat. Reeling from one disaster to another, the cast often need the help of the audience to create the sound effects for the various ‘spots’ being broadcast. Playing anything from a football crowd to the cavalry in the Charge of the Light Brigade (involving an unfeasibly large number of coconut shells), the audience unfailingly rescue the broadcasting crew from impending doom, and probably dismissal.